syntax language

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]

网络  造句语言; 语法语言



  1. Define the syntax of the language itself in terms of the tokens
  2. You saw examples of billing policies and syntax and language and taken a deeper dive into how the rules/ inference engine works.
  3. The syntax of the language is simple, and is composed of only a few keywords and the standard Boolean operators.
  4. Furthermore, it can push forward the healthy development of Lahu language, and supply valuable reference for the research of morphology and syntax in Yi-Mian language.
  5. The process of converting a syntactic construction into a semantically equivalent construction according to the rules shown to generate the syntax of the language.
  6. The linguistic perspective of language use generally takes into consideration the phonology, morphology and syntax of the language concerned;
  7. A language used to describe the syntax of another language.
  8. The syntax of the language is brief to a fault. You never have to type an unnecessary character, or even to use the shift key much.
  9. High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language.
  10. Second, the feature seems at first glance to be simple, but in fact has a rather large "design surface" and would require adding a fair amount of new syntax to the language.
  11. The compiled system includes the phrase analysis, syntax analysis, language analysis and generate target code.
  12. Based on relevant studies, the present study demonstrates the internal interaction between semantics and syntax within each language, thus displaying the difference between the two languages because of their different ways of interaction.
  13. This paper first describes how the cognitive system of conceptual categories has been reflected and realized in the semantic/ syntax system of language, which often confines further cognition to cause cognitive difficulty.
  14. The influence of L1 syntax on foreign language acquisition
  15. What the theory of descriptions emphasized is the syntax of first-order logical language, and what it criticized is the syntax of ordinary language.
  16. This thesis states the conception, syntax pattern, language convertion and intercall rules, which are necessary of combined programming technology. It also uses C and Pascal as an example to specify the technique of combined programming.
  17. In the syntax theory language is always in static state as well as in dynamic state.
  18. The famous poet Quyuan heavily used this structure, which not only became the basic elements of a new poetry form called Quci, hut also greatly affected Chinese ancient poetry syntax and language.
  19. At the same time, they expound detailedly the idiographic technology of language processing in Chinese knowledge information extraction, including phrase syntax and language meaning denotation of knowledge information extraction, and the realization of knowledge information extraction.
  20. Generative semantics linguists diverge from Chomsky's syntax research, and declare that syntax of natural language is related to semantics, which is connected with cognition.
  21. Specifically, ideology and poetics yield tremendous effects on the translators 'selection of translation materials and translation strategies as well as the choice of words, syntax and language styles.
  22. We carry on an investigation from the syntax, language righteousness and speech respectively.
  23. Parts of Speech is a natural division based on the aggregation rules of grammar, syntax of natural language units: morphemes, words, phrases and sentences.
  24. Forth, depending on a limited syntax language, a research on the method and process of the semi-formal specification of the top level function is developed. This top level specification paves the way for the system verification and the covert channel analysis.
  25. The syntax of the language was presented and the compiler program which explains how to compile the CQL into SQL is also designed in this paper.
  26. Bottom-up chunk of analysis algorithms in this method not only analyzes the grammar and syntax of natural language, but also analyzes semantics and pragmatics of natural language.
  27. Chapter IV is the Chinese phrase semantics, syntax, language mistake often guilty of bias conduct analysis.
  28. This feature is the basic syntax by animation-visual language, in particular the characteristics of the language of the camera.
  29. In my paper, I analyze vocabularies, syntax, language styles, as well as cultural background, and give specific translation methods accordingly.
  30. Chapter 2 reveals deeply the semantics, the syntax and the language uses of the "yilv" and "yigai" from the angle of the same time throgh utilizing grammar "three planes" theory.



  1. a language used to describe the syntax of another language